
Argumentative Essay On Pearl Harbor

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December 7th, 1941, was the day 2,403 Americans lost their lives and 1,200 wounded during the Japanese air raid, on Pearl Harbor. On this day, the US Navy lost almost the entire Pacific Fleet in the harbor. After the attack, all the ships were either sunk or severally damaged minus the aircraft carriers. The aircraft carriers luckily were still at sea. The total number of military personnel killed was 2,335, including 2,008 navy personnel, 109 marines, and 218 army. Added to this were 68 civilians, making the total 2403 people dead. 1,177 men alone were from the USS Arizona.
The attack on Pearl Harbor is something that is taught in grade school history. However, if it is being taught correctly that’s a different story. As a child, we believe everything that the teacher taught us even if it was a lie. The story of Pearl Harbor is a horrific event that has been revealing more information throughout the years. What was taught in school was Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack by the Japanese. That the Japanese managed to fly into US Airspace and destroy our ships and planes for no reason. As we research more about this particular topic, we discover that the United States was doing a really good job keeping secrets. For example, the Japanese has a reason to attack the US.
The United States along with our allies Britain and Dutch, provoked the Japanese to attack. In 1937 Japan declared war on China which aggravated the US. The US and its Allies formed a plan and cut off the oil supply for the Japanese military. No oil, meant no fuel for the war. By the US making the strategic plan to cut of the oil supply, left the Japanese finding oil elsewhere. So, they planned to invade into the Philippines and the Malaya territories. By moving into these locations with the hopes of finding a steady source of natural resources such as oil and rubber. In order to do so, the Japanese empire had to cripple the US military base that was 5,276 miles way. After months of planning, the Japanese Empire put their attack in motion. After many different red flag scenarios, the Japanese Bombers still managed to get the upper hand on us. With all of the red flags that’s presented hours, days, weeks before the attack why was the Pacific not

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