
Informative Essay On Pearl Harbor

Decent Essays

“A date which will live in infamy (Roosevelt).” There were three part to this attack, what lead to the attack, the actual attack and the aftermath. The world was at war and the United States didn’t want to get too involved until the attack happened. During the attack on Pearl Harbor the United States made the decision to join the War. The United States joining the war brought the most crucial years to follow along with the dropping of the atomic bomb. The attack on Pearl Harbor was the beginning of the a very long war that cost the lives of many people but brought a nation together. The empire of Japan was trying to take over natural resources and expand their empire by taking over parts of China and Korea. The infamous Nanking Massacre cost the lives of nearly 300,0000 people making it only a small portion of the 14 million lives lost by the end of World War II. The abrupt expansion of Japan caused for the League of Nations, which is now known as the United Nations, to reprimand Japan for violating the “Open Door Policy” but their actions violated China’s equal trading opportunities. Japan relied on the United States for nearly 55.4% of their natural resources which the United Stated decided to stop supporting in 1937. Japan had joined the Axis Alliance with Germany and Italy which caused the United States to cut all ties with Japan and no longer do any trade with Japan. President Roosevelt made a decision that he would later regret and leave the United States in a very

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