
Infamy Attack On Pearl Harbor

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“A date which will live in infamy” a quote from President Franklin Roosevelt, the president during the attack, infamy means being well known for something bad or having a bad quality. That's exactly what the attack on Pearl Harbor was, it was awful and will be remembered for being very tragic. The attack took place on December 7, 1941. Pearl Harbor was a U.S naval base in Hawaii, more specifically the island of Oahu. The attackers were the Japanese, the American soldiers knew this because when they started flying overhead they could see the “rising sun” flag on the bottom sides of the plane's wings. The attack is a major reason that the U.S entered WWII.
The attack was a very well thought out and very well executed plan, at exactly 7:53 AM the first wave of attackers came in planes dropping bombs and firing their machine guns. There was 167 planes in the first wave. The attack went on for maybe 30 minutes to 45 before the second wave came. There was also small submarines that the Japanese used. The second wave came at 8:55 AM …show more content…

voted to join the war against Japan. President Roosevelt Declared war against Japan on December 8th, the day after the attack. The vote came out to be 388 to 1. Of course the 388 votes were to join the war but that one sole voter's name was Jeannette Rankin. Jeannette was the same woman who vote against the U.S. entering WWI. That was when the U.S. officially entered the world war. This meant that the countries that were allied with America were also having to fight side by side with america against the Japanese and their allies. Germany then declared war on the U.S. on December 11, 1941. This was four days after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The Japanese declared war on China afterward because they wanted to expand their territory and take over the market. Then since america declared war on Japan they were afraid Japan would attack hawaii again because it was the closest U.S. territory to Japan than the rest of the United

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