
Argumentative Essay On Teen Pregnancy

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What if you were 16, had many opportunities that others don't get? For example free education, an amazing family, and great friends that you can go out with. All that can be gone because you decided to have unprotected sex. Now you're 16 and scared because you don't know how to tell your parents. You don't know whats going to happen your life. You don't know if your significant other will support you. If your parents will. You don't know if you're going to keep it. What now? In 2015 there was about 3,978,497 births registered of teen moms in the United states. Teen pregnancy has been a big issue for many years. A large number of teenagers are having unprotected sex that lead to unwanted pregnancy. This issue cause young girls to make a decision on the future of the baby, weather it is to be aborted, given up for adoption or keeping the baby and raising it. This unwanted pregnancy also takes effect on these teenager's social life, school and work. From about 1 million unwanted pregnancies each year about 35% end in abortion. About 50 million abortions were performed in the US in 1973 – 2011. There is a lot of controversy on the topic of abortion. Many think there should be laws emplaced to restrict under aged mothers or any mother from getting an abortion. They think it's wrong because it is a living growing human being inside the mother. Even though it is not fully grown and out of the womb, it still depends on the mother to mature into a healthy baby. Many, on the

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