
Arguments And Validity To The Statement Analysis

Decent Essays

Section 5: Opposing Arguments and Validity to the Statements Teens should be responsible to take precautions to avoid a teen pregnancy themselves. Many people could agree with this statement, although, there are some people who would argue this. Some might say that it is the parent's responsibility to watch over the teen and make sure they use the right precautions, or most likely just abstain from sexual intercourse. Other people could blame society for popularizing this issue that really does not need to be popularized by adolescents. No matter who is at fault for this increasing problem, it needs to be put to an end. People blame the parents of the teens that get pregnant because they believe it is their responsibility to be watching …show more content…

They are suppose to be aware of what their child is doing, where they are, and who they are with, but they failed to do any of these things. However, teens should act responsibly and take issues into their own hands and do the precautions to avoid an unintended pregnancy. Teens know exactly what they are doing when they engage in sexual activities and they know exactly what they are risking; an unintended pregnancy or an STD. They should not expect their parents to be there every second and tell them what not and what to do (pathos). “Teenagers tend to believe that having sex is harmless and that the negative consequences they learn about in school will not happen to them” (“Partner Violence, Teen Pregnancy Linked”). This statement made by Victorious Nelson tells us that the teens do not take this seriously whatsoever. They think “that will not happen to them”, when it can easily can happen to anyone that does not take proper precautions; teenager or not (logos). “Becoming a teenage mom causes chaos and stress in the life of the young woman and her family. Most teenagers do not fully understand what they are getting themselves into when they engage in sexual …show more content…

People in my family have experienced teen pregnancy before and luckily they, and the child, ended up being okay. My aunt was pregnant as a teen with two of my cousins, and she did not end up finishing high school. My dad ended up taking better care of my cousins then my aunt did. I chose this topic because I believe this is a very important topic, and that this problem needs to be minimized. Teen pregnancy affects the community around me because it could potentially happen to anyone if the necessary precautions are not acted upon. I do not want any girl, at my school or any other school, to be looked down on or degraded just because she messed up, and that little mess up cost her more than ever imaginable. Overall, I would like to provide an answer to this problem. If all sexually active teenagers took the necessary precautions and they were more aware of the consequences than the rate of teen pregnancies will decrease in years to come. Schools should provide more education on SexED and on the precautions they should be taking when it comes to sexual activity, and parents should not be afraid to talk to their children regarding their sexual relationships. Nonetheless, it is the teen’s responsibility to take action and prevent from teen pregnancy to happen to

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