
Teen Pregnancy And Its Effects On The United States

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Each year around 90,000 adolescents become pregnant in the United States. Around 51% of adolescents pregnancies end in live births, 35% end up in induced abortions, and 14% result in miscarriage or stillbirth (Frick, 2007). Historically, the highest teen pregnancy rates in the United States were during the 1950’s and 1960’s before the legalization of abortion and the development of many the current forms of contraception(Frick, 2007). Rates enlarged steadily until 1991; since then, the birth rate among teenagers has decreased 35% for 15-17 year olds(Frick, 2007). Three in 10 teen American girls will get pregnant at least once before age 20. That is nearly 750,000 teen pregnancies every year. In 2013, there were 26.6 births for every 1,000 adolescent females ages 15-19, or 274,641 babies born to females in this age group. To prevent teen pregnancy, we should teach them abstinence, safe sex by using protection, and communication skills to discuss prevention from peer pressure. Pregnant teens face high risks of medical complications as well as disruption in family life and education(Frick, 2007). Teenage girls usually lack the emotional maturity to deal with pregnancy. Choosing to keep the child, deliver it up for adoption, or opt for abortion also adds stress to the family(Frick, 2007).Adolescents who receive information on abstinence and participate in virginity pledge programs have improved outcomes as adults(Frick, 2007). Most participate in less risky behaviors, have

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