
Teenage Birth Control Methods

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The teenage birth rate has always been at an all-time high in the United States. In 2009, alone statics from the Disease control prevention estimated “13.5 births for every 1,000 teens” (Blue). Bringing a child into this world is a blessing, unfortunately, sometimes the timing can be off. A child is a huge responsibility sad to say not every person can handle the full-time duty of being a parent. It can get complicated when you are a mother at such a young age. For this reason, teenage girls should acquire birth control methods to prevent getting pregnant, abstinence can help teenagers from catching an std, and allow them to stay focus stopping the drop out rate of teens moms in high schools. When a person has their first child it is a true blessing yet, the journey can sometimes be a challenge. I’m sure everyone knows a young girl or couple with their first baby struggling to make a living. For many teenagers, pregnancy is an unplanned, challenging life event. These young mothers are at risk for “anemia and postpartum depression” (Beirne). In our society people who have children at a young age tend to earn less in the working world than their peers. A secret soon to be mothers don’t realize is the major emotional toll that comes with raising a child. …show more content…

An article read I wish I knew that “going to college was going to be almost impossible” (Orenstein). This is one of the reasons older siblings stress the factors of waiting until you finish school. In the National Campaign article, it “encourages parents to talk early and become ask-able parents” let kids know that they can ask you anything (Summers). These individuals lose their motivation to return to school which results in a difficult life. Not to mention, teen pregnancy has a “negative impact on education and employment” (Huus). Am I sure you have seen teen parents trade their athletic scholarships in for diapers and government

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