
Aristotle Vs Kant

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If a friend and I went to Westworld and my friend were to do things that would be immoral to do to an actual person, I would think they are behaving immorally and I will be using Taylor’s, Kant’s, Aristotle’s philosophies and others to defend my views. I believe my friend is acting immorally because we still have free will, you are allowed to do certain acts that are not illegal but if these acts make you question your morals then you do not necessarily need to act on them. When someone chooses to act immorally, they are consciously and deliberate choosing to do bad things. In Westworld and the real world for someone to act morally their decisions should be from their own free will and from what they believe is right. When I see my friend …show more content…

Those individuals visiting Westworld should keep their morals intact and continue to have the same moral obligations they carry with them within society. My friend is showing the perfect example of enjoyment in uncultivated pointless base desires by partaking in immoral acts. Taylor’s philosophy would argue because Westworld is not real and the activities you partake in do no have meaning other than self indulging. They only satisfy the desires that can make us worse off because we are enjoying violent primitive pleasures. Kant believes the robots actually deserve good moral treatment. The people visiting are still rational creature and we should not treat the human looking robots as a mere means, or without out respect, because indulging in immoral activities causes us to become numb to immoral behavior and may even make us want to do these activities again outside of Westworld. Violent behaviors cause people to want to participate in other vicious desires because continuously doing something becomes a …show more content…

The morally right people use their free will to continuously do the right thing which makes it easier for them to not be tempted to corrupt their moral in Westworld. If this problem is being seen through a religious lens; rational and religious people should not have a desire to harm or kill anything simply for fun even if it’s just a robot. Buddhist and Pacifist do not condemn killing of any kind and Christianity even has a commandment is “thou shalt not kill”. While raping is also wrong but not always formally addressed in religion for human being rape is intriniscally wrong or wrong in and of itself. The robots look and act human enough to extend empathetic reasoning to treat them with dignity just like how one moral human would consent to be

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