
Aristotle 's Virtue Is A Disposition That Issues Correct Choice

Decent Essays

In Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle understands virtue is a disposition that issues correct choice. In this essay, we are given the task to explain what Aristotle means by choice, which is in turn show that choice is not wishes, opinion, nor desire. Rather, Aristotle believes choice involves desire. So, I will explain concisely why correct choice is not a tendency to opine the correct thing to do rather correct choice is an intimate coordination between our rational and desiring faculties. Thus, controlling and coordinating what we desire and why we desire something. Ultimately, leading the agent to what the right thing they should do, full stop, regardless of numerous alternatives. We will focus on what Aristotle means by choice, as presented in the Nicomachean Ethics. First, we will understand what choice is not to Aristotle. For Aristotle, choice is not a wish because wishes can be related to impossibilities, such as immortality, which are things that we cannot do. Rather, what we wish for is the goal or the end that we are trying to achieve and choices are the means that will get us to the end. Next, Aristotle believes that choice is not equivalent to “opinion” in the sense of arriving at a belief about what to do. Aristotle says, “ it cannot be opinion; for opinion is thought to be related to all kinds of things, no less to eternal things and impossible things than to things in our own power; and it is distinguished by its falsity or truth, not by its badness or

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