
Aryan Race In Human History

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1. The Aryan Race, which was originally created as a form of categorization was used in the late 19th century to the mid 20th century to describe multiple types of people. While originally intended to be used as a neutral ethnolinguistic classification, the Nazis promoted it as more of a racial hierarchy, making it known that the Germanic peoples were the "Master race" who they then called Aryan. The main role for the Aryan Race in human history was to become the "Master Race," creating all kinds of techniques, art, and science. Segments of modern and classic civilization were built on this race, they were very ambitious with the mindset to move forward in history and remain at the top. Aryans have always worked to be the leading group in humanity, dating back to the deepest parts of their roots. Their ability to adapt and develop were impeccable which also made them unconquerable in the eyes of many others, so nations served them without quarrel.

2. Jews were identified by Theorist Hans F. K. Günther as being descendants of non-European races, they were classified as the Near Asian race but were more commonly called the Armenoid race. Because of the …show more content…

Hitler viewed the defeat in World War I as an inevitable outcome because he believed in one thing that (to him) many people overlooked. He valued the purity in which we were born, the preservation of our racial foundation, the strength that we possess as a whole when we're pure. Many people during that time wanted to mix blood creating a force that was weaker than if they were a pure blooded nation attacking at full force. The allied victory was a disappointment to Hitler because in his eyes the nation was being robbed systematically and ultimately the country was being destroyed. However, he did see a bright side to it all. While they did end up facing a defeat, he knew that one day the new generation would come in to reflect on what the old generation had done and work hard to continue what they had

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