
As 91070 Unit 1 Assignment

Decent Essays

AS 91070 Demonstrate understanding of basic concepts of information management. Identifying and describing key features of operating systems and common application software as they relate to the management of information. Key features of the operating systems: Operating systems are very important to be able to run different applications on your phone or computer etc. so you can run multiple programs at the same time, it manages internal memory, it runs the input and output of attached devices like your phone or printer by transferring data. And lastly it also enables you to run more than 1 processor at the same time by dividing the program. So as you can see operating systems are very important to improve and be able to run your PC. …show more content…

And we programmed a system within this application which could calculate the area/perimeter/circumference of a square, rectangle, and a circle. So you would type in the length of the side or radius and it would be able to calculate the length or size of the certain shape. We had to store our programmed “shape calculator” in a certain folder so that it could be found and all my programming would not be lost. This is my coding below Another application i used was Google slides. Google slides works to be able to create a presentation where you can change the design of the background of the separate slides. You are also able to create text boxes where you can put information in. within this assessment we used google slides for we had to create a certain folder named DGT1.42 so that the teacher would know what assessment was within the folder. We did our pseudocode for the calculator program within google slides, the pseudocode is where we described what each of the functions were used for to be able to translate the “python code” into “english” for people who couldn't read what each of the python functions were. As shown

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