
Essay on Assignment 1 Social Performance

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Social Performance of Organizations
Bus 475 Social Performances Strayer University

1. Specify the nature, structure, and types of products or services of Apple, and identify two (2) key factors in the organization’s external environment that can affect its success. Provide explanation to support the rationale.
Apple Inc. is a well-known computer manufacturer, smartphone and digital devices device maker. Company have made strong roots in the computing market since its beginning its’ all, because of its maintained quality which have been continuously …show more content…

In order to achieve those results Apple Inc. has got today the company has to pay attention to all these.
Apple is using different business strategy that all employees and management work together in the creation of their products and services while Apples main on customer relationship management. Apple Inc. uses various types of internet business models like Business to Business e-commerce is used in the selling of computers which help operate proficiency in other businesses. Business to Consumer e-commerce model is the selling of iPods, computer, iTunes, iMac and other products to different individuals rather than businesses. Other Business to Government e-commerce model is the process of selling of any Apple products to government operated organizations, Apple (2012).
In addition; Apple has expanded its business and keeps on continuously expanding its services. Apple first started with the desktop computers those were the best quality represented by apple. Then slowly it tools over the market and also starts to launch various digital players. Apple iPod and iPhone was hugely accepted by all the people who seek quality in produce. Apple is always known for the quality it provides, Sofiane Achiche, Francesco Paolo Appio, Tim C. McAloone, Alberto Di Minin (2013);
Organization especially focusing on their competitors’ level

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