
Assignment Questions On Business Management

Best Essays

Programme: HND Business Accounting

Unit Number and Title: HNBS 101 Business Environment

Tutor Name: Anesa Isufi

Task 1: Understand The Organisational Purposes of Businesses

Marzuk Nabil Ahmad

ID Number : 14230

Table of Contents


1.1 Identify the purposes of different types of organisations...…………………………………...……3

1.2 Describe the extent to which an organisation meets the objectives of different stakeholders………….………..4

1.3 Explain the responsibilities of an organisation and strategies employed to meet them…………………….4



An organization is an individual or group of …show more content…

A cooperative might too be defined as commerce owned and forbidden evenly by the citizens who employ its services or by the populace who employment there.
Charitable organization:
Charitable organization: Incorporated or non-incorporated levy excused corpse. The purpose of which are-
• shaped and operated for charitable purposes
• employs each and every one its possessions to those benevolent activities that are under its through be in charge of.
1.2) Organization meets the objectives of different stakeholders
According to (, 2010) we are able to say that having recognized a variety of stakeholders, we at the present require to get into explanation their significance and aptitude to power the scheme.
• Level 1 Stakeholder Analysis: Senior management determines which projects are in the organization 's collection and their main anxiety, and authorizes expenditure association resources with a hope of a number of returns on that asset.
• Level 2 Stakeholder Analysis: The project team and others operational inside the triple constraints also encompass expectations. A clear understanding of the project goals and objectives by the team is necessary.
• Level 3 Stakeholder Analysis: The stakeholder exterior the association and scheme also need to appreciate the scheme as well as its crash, and their prospect require to be obviously recognized.
1.3 the responsibilities of an organization and strategies for them

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