
Athlete Concussions

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Athlete Concussions
Should athletes be able to play even at the risk of permanent head injuries? Recently, concussion ratings have went up in some sports. Due to this increase, many people are trying to find out what they can do to prevent these injuries and what damage it can cause. Every player would like to play the sport that they love as long as they can but, playing with a head injury is not safe. Many players don't think of concussions or are unaware of the serious damage that it can leave on them. Therefore, all athletes should not be able to play or practice when they have suffered from three concussions because of the potential harm concussions have on the body. Also players should not have the option of playing or going back into …show more content…

Concussions in high school sports doubled from 2005 to 2012. High School’s put in a new rule called “Return to Play” this rule was put into place so players waited the right amount of time to come back after receiving a serious head injury. Coming back to quick with a concussion can get you hurt even more or possibly cause permanent brain damage. Studies show that a concussion from a high school athlete takes longer to recover from than for older athletes. Also, studies show that even teenagers are at risk for head trauma not just adults and older athletes. Between 2005 and 2012, four thousand twenty-four concussions were diagnosed in nine sports. This is a very high number for just high school sports alone. Concussions have went up in 5 sports mainly those sports are football, wrestling, baseball, basketball and softball. Therefore, concussions have not only effected football. Many people fail to realize how many athletes are truly affected by a …show more content…

Some say that every knockout is a concussion but, that has not yet been proven. One third of MMA fighters suffer from brain trauma. That is the highest rating out of any sport. The number of Traumatic brain injuries per 100 athletes was fifteen point nine in MMA the highest by far almost doubling football which was at eight point one. These stats show that MMA is the the most dangerous sport by far. Eighty-five percent of knockouts in MMA are from punches to the head. A knockout is considered when the fighter is no longer able to defend himself. There is one concussion diagnosed thirty-two percent of the time in a match which is a little less than one third of the time. Fifty percent of knockouts are from hits to the mandible or lower jaw. Many argue that MMA should be banned from youth to keep them safe from the repeated blows to the head while there brain is developing.
Even though there is no way to make concussions one hundred percent safe, that does not affect athlete’s desire to play the game. Concussions may be a serious problem but, many times that does not get in the way of playing the game. Players should still be able to play the sports they love but there should be stricter rules on concussions and blows to the head. No game is worth having permanent brain injuries

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