
Athletes Avoid Concussions

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Athletes with head trauma should be required to sit out of the game until their head is fully healed. Although a medical professional signs a paper allowing them to go back into the game, they should not take advantage of that by starting right away. After concussions, teenage athletes should take it easy so their brain has the proper time it needs to heal. Concussions are a serious injury. They can have long lasting impacts and are more likely to reoccur during the same season. In contrast, in order for athletes to return to the game, a doctor has to sign forms allowing them to do so. Doctors are licensed professionals, so the athlete's head injury can't be too severe if they are able to play again. In addition, new equipment that helps prevent concussions is being created. …show more content…

Those impacts are not good either. Long lasting concussions don't even have to be caused by multiple bangs to the head. As little as a minor bump can cause these consequences. Some of the long term effects are behavioral and mood changes, cognitive difficulties, affected attention and judgement. Long term effects can also happen from the athlete neglecting the injury, which happens often in sports, because people think of it as just a small accident, then return to playing. Sometimes, people don't realize they have a concussion, because not everyone loses consciousness when receiving one. After facing head trauma, athletes can get a post-concussion syndrome, which causes headaches, dizziness, irritability, and depression. The long term effects of a concussion can last for thirty years or longer, which is why these head injuries should be taken

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