
Ayn Rand's Ethos Pathos Logos

Decent Essays

Judgment We automatically, subconsciously judge one another; it’s human nature. Albert Einstein once said, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by it’s ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it’s stupid.” Sometimes we judge people without giving them a chance before really getting to know them. Just like how Equality 7-2521 denounces his leaders of society in moral terms, it’s only fair to say it only makes him a hypocrite because he has lived in the very same society that he used to follow in, believed, and wished upon to be a part of, yet he judges those who still choose to live in that way of life. Ayn Rand expresses in her writing that it is a responsibility to morally judge someone and to expect to be judged back; Equality 7-2521 makes the choice of morally judging his leaders as weak and dull just as they had labeled him as a mere Street Sweeper who has evil in his bones. Although Equality and his leaders have developed different experiences and knowledge, he can’t judge his society for having a different perspective than him. Instead he should respect their point of view and move on in life. Even though the Scholars didn’t respect his new discovery of the light bulb, it doesn’t mean that …show more content…

“We cannot resist it. It whispers to us that there are great things on this earth of ours, and that we must know them. We ask, why we must know, but it has no answer to give us.” (Rand 24) he then goes on talking about how he loves “the Science of Things” (Rand 23) and how he could ask questions in the House of Scholars, “for they do not forbid questions.” (Rand 23) However, at the near end of Anthem, Equality states that the Scholars are “blind” and are being “cowardice” (Rand 19) even though he had once looked up to these same Scholars when growing up, “We strive to be like all our brother men, for all men must be alike.” (Rand

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