
Individuality In Anthem, By Ayn Rand

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Individuality, a thing we all take for granted, but in a collectivist society, individuality is banned in all forms and is enforced with torture and execution in the name of “brotherly love”. In the novella Anthem, written by Ayn Rand, all men are bound to the society and held captive by the government’s beliefs. The Home of Scholars is responsible for all scientific discoveries. A new act is preventing them from releasing their findings into the society. Equality also dabbles in science, and he knows that this is a transgression. Equality wishes only to study the clockwork of the world, and to be accepted into The Home of Scholars. He brings his invention of a light to the council, but is turned down because his technological advancement …show more content…

Through his work, he discovers a way to harness electricity and make a primitive light bulb. He knows that this discovery with greatly help mankind because a light bulb is more practical than a candle. This, however is not the reasoning behind Equality’s experimentation. Shown in the quote “We shall put before The Home of Scholars the greatest gift ever offered to men. We shall tell them the truth . . . We shall join our hands to theirs, and we shall work together, with the power of the sky, for the glory of mankind.” (Rand 67). In other words, Equality wishes to bring man a grand discovery of his, a discovery that will make everyone’s lives much easier. If you look closely you will find that Equality is very excited to show his invention, but he shows it so that he is a contributing individual. From this we can see that Equality wants only to be an individual, that is his motivation. Also, shown here “This wire is a part of our body, as a vein torn from us, glowing with our blood. Are we proud of this thread of metal, or of our hands which made it, or is there a line to divide these two?” (Rand 61). Rand expresses that Equality’s light bulb is a part of him, he created it for his brothers, but more importantly, he created it for the sake of his own individuality. To sum this up, Equality finds that his invention will benefit mankind …show more content…

I feel that Equality’s only purpose is to show others in the story that individuality is okay. His invention would benefit mankind very much, in both others and himself. He created the light bulb to be and individual. Equality creates the light bulb and it becomes a part of him, it was intended to help others, but ended up helping Equality to find himself in a world of sameness, in world of brainwashing, and in a world of

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