
Baby Boom Research Paper

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About nine months after World War II, The largest generation was born. We called them the baby boomers. In 1946, 3.4 million were born, another 3.8 million in 1947 and more than 4 million every year from 1954 until 1964 when the numbers finally went down. The baby boomers made up 40% of the nations population and thats about 76.4 million of them in total. The desire for normalcy after the war and depression is a possible explanation for the baby boom according to historians, others say it was apart of the campaign to fight communism by outnumbering them. The most likely cause for the baby boom is quotidian reasons. Americans had postponed marriage and having children due to WWII and the Great Depression. The average woman in American started …show more content…

After the G.I. Bill was passed for low-cost mortgages if you were returning from war, living in these houses in the suburbs was cheaper than trying to rent an apartment in the city. The houses were seen as the best place to raise children due to “family rooms” and backyards. Suburban baby boomers and parents in the 1960s took up one-this of the U.S. population. The effect of the baby boom had mostly effects women. Magazines and advice books read “Don’t Be Afraid to Marry Young” or “Femininity Begins At Home.” This urged women to embrace their roles as mothers and to leave the workforce. The boom also caused the markets production of consumer goods to rise. Credit cards and televisions, new cars were what adults had mostly participated in buying and using. Marketers and manufacturers had their eyes on the group of boomer families. It’s said that the children of the baby boomer generation resisted the suburban and consumerist ethos. They fought for social, political, and economic equality for members of the disadvantaged groups: women, lesbians, gays, younger people, African-Americans, Hispanics and American Indians. Others were said to have dropped out of the political lives and grew out their hair, did drugs and practiced “free love” due to new accessible birth-control

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