
Banning Cell Phones While Driving

Decent Essays

Policymakers who have become increasingly concerned about drivers using cell phones now have a new worry: According to a study of four jurisdictions that have banned the use of hand-held devices while driving, the laws have not reduced accident rates. The study, conducted by the Highway Loss Data Institute, an insurance industry group, looked at accident rates before and after cell phone bans took effect in New York, the District of Columbia, Connecticut and California. It found that month-to-month fluctuations in collision accident claims didn't change before and after cell phone bans took effect. Nor did accident patterns change compared with those in nearby states without cell phone bans. "The laws aren't reducing crashes, even though …show more content…

He says technology that could alert drivers about "all of the mistakes we make when we're distracted by anything is ultimately the way to deal with this problem." The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reacted strongly to the HLDI study. "It is irresponsible to suggest that laws banning cell phone use while driving have zero effect on the number of crashes on our nation's roadways," the agency said in a statement. "A University of Utah study shows that using a cell phone while driving can be just as dangerous and deadly as driving drunk. We know that by enacting and enforcing tough laws, states have reduced the number of crashes leading to injuries and fatalities. We know that high-visibility campaigns and enforcement, like Click It or Ticket and Drunk Driving. Over The Limit. Under Arrest has had a positive influence on driver behavior. "That's why seat belt use is at an all-time high of 84 percent and drunk driving is declining. These improvements didn't happen overnight. It took strong laws, enforcement, education and personal responsibility to bring us where we are today, and still there is more work to do. When it comes to distracted driving, we are only at the starting

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