
Barack Obama And President Obama

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Background. Hillary Clinton was appointed as secretary of state by The President Barack Obama and served from 2009 through 2013. Her email difficulties began during initial tenure as secretary of state (Eugene, 2016). She contended on using her personal BlackBerry phone for all her email communications, but she was not permitted to take the phone into Mahogany Row office which is a secure space (Eugene, 2016). This was very frustrating for Clinton, as secretary of state; she needed to manage a flood of email to have constant updated communication with colleagues, friends and enthusiasts (Eugene, 2016). She was not willing to leave her phone into a lockbox before entering her own office (Eugene, 2016). Her advisors and senior officials tried to find a way to facilitate her to use the personal device in the secure area, but their efforts worried the diplomatic security bureau, which was afraid that foreign intelligence services could hack her personal phone and make it a bug (Eugene, 2016). In the month of Feb 2009 Department security, intelligence and technology specialists and NSA officials gathered in Mahogany Row conference room and described the risks to Clinton’s chief of staff Ms. Cheryl Mills, while also seeking “mitigation options” that would satisfy Clinton’s wishes (Eugene, 2016). Donald Reid, senior coordinator for security infrastructure described Hillary’s advisors as “dedicated blackberry addicts” (Eugene, 2016). Hillary used her unprotected blackberry device

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