
Barack Obama Outline

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Introduction Barack Obama, The 44th President of The United States Of America, Throughout the years, United States Presidency we saw a lot of different Presidents who sometimes achieved some great things in life and beat the odds in life. Barack was not the First minority to be selected for Presidency. His Campaign was bigger than Hillary Clinton’s, he Prevailed a problem in the Economic Problems, Health Care, so much more he has Accomplished so much in this Country. In the end all of his hard work and dedication paid off as President over these 8 years in the White House. If i could say one thing to President Obama i would tell him thank you for helping our country and so much more things he has done with healthcare and obamacare …show more content…

Where he graduated with Great Academics in 1979, Years Later he went to College at Occidental College in Los Angeles for a few years or so, He then wanted to transfer to Columbia University then following graduating in 1983. With a Degree for Political Science, Later on he earned his Undergraduate Degree from The “CU” (Columbia University) in 1983. In the Fall of 1988 he graduated with a Law degree from Harvard in 1991, He taught Constitutional law for about 12 years or so. Where he soon joins Chicago Law firm, Barack decided that he wanted to try to run for Illinois as Senate in 1996, which he successfully defeats his opponent Alan Keyes. Some of Obama’s Influences was Michelle Obama she helped him with hard decisions and has also accomplished in the legal field, another Joe Biden which is a former Senator which he looked to him during the foreign policies and so much more, David Axelord which is also a former journalist from Chicago. He’s Obama’s campaign brains, he stressed over the change and harassment over the computer and help him the White …show more content…

The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit, to choose our better history, to carry forward that precious gift, that noble idea passed on from generation to generation: the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness”( The American Presidency Project.) In his Speech he is quoting social issues in the world that needs to be changed and that would get changed while he was in office. He was stating that it's no time to play around and not do things it's time to finally put in work for the country and make history better instead of worst in the past years and that skin color doesn't matter in God's eyes we’re all the same in the end no matter what you look like and whatever measure it takes we gonna find happiness in the end of it

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