
Battle Of Midway Research Paper

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What was the Battle of Midway? Who was it between? Who won the battle? What was the cause of the battle? The Battle of Midway was fought between Japan and the U.S. The Doolittle Raid made Japan think their perimeter security was weak (“The Battle of Midway”). They wanted to avenge the bombing of Japanese home islands, fix the hole in their Eastern defensive perimeter from the U.S. control of Midway, finish the US Pacific Fleet, and take Hawaii (Morgenthau and Tuerkheimer). Japan decided to attack Midway in order to get the U.S.A out of the Pacific and strengthen their border. At 4:30 a.m. on June 4, 36 Japanese fighter planes and bombers attacked Midway (Krasner 28). The outcome of the battle was worse for Japan than it was for the U.S. The …show more content…

When the Battle of Midway was won by the U.S., FDR was able to assist Britain when Germany invaded them. Midway saved the decision by the Americans and British to focus their major effort against Germany (Morgenthau and Tuerkheimer). The U.S. was able to send Britain 300 Sherman tanks and artillery. If the U.S. had not sent the tanks, Rommel would have won and Britain would have been occupied by German military (Morgenthau and Tuerkheimer). The Japanese crippled the Pacific Fleet, driven Britain’s Royal Navy out of the Indian Ocean, and threatened to link up with the Germans in the Middle East. If Japan and Germany met up, they would have cut British and American supply line through Iran to the Soviet Union, and pull the British and French colonies in the Middle East into the Axis orbit. If that happened, Britain may lose control of the Eastern Mediterranean and the Soviet Union might have negotiated an armistice with Germany (Lambert). Though they seem unrelated, the Battle of Midway did in fact help defeat Hitler. While Japan and America were fighting at Midway, Hitler was attacking Great Britain. After the U.S. won the battle, they were able to turn their attention towards Great Britain and Hitler and help Great Britain defeat

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