
The Missouri Compromise

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The Civil War was a very important time in history. The Missouri Compromise was one of the causes of the war. It basically settled the dispute of Missouri wanting to be a slave state. The Missouri Compromise was the states way of stopping all the newly gained states from becoming anti-slavery. The fear of having slavery banned across the whole United States scared many people. The second compromise responsible for the war was The Compromise of 1850. The Compromise stopped slavery from expanding further than it already was. The Compromise of 1850 was supposed to help the feud going on between the North and the South about slavery. While the Compromise was stopping slavery from expanding for the North it was also helping the South keep the slaves they already had because it protected the Fugitive Slave Act. The Act stated that the people of the North had to stop and send back any slaves they found back to the South. One of the other things that contributed to the Civil War was The Kansas Nebraska Act. The Act reversed some of the parts of the Missouri Compromise. It allowed the settlers to vote on whether or not they would allow slavery. The popular vote would win. The Kansas Nebraska Act was basically working against all the work that the North had put in to keep slavery from expanding. The …show more content…

The fight over whether or not slavery needed to exist was a very controversial topic at the time. The North was fighting to keep the Union while on the other hand the South was fighting to become independent. The South had attempted to separate from the United States before but had not been successful. South Carolina was not a large enough state to be on its own. The second time they had tried they were successful because they had the support of other states such as Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi and more. With the support of these other states South Carolina was able to become emancipated from the United

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