
Becoming A Nurse Practitioner Essay

Decent Essays

I am currently going to school to eventually become a nurse practitioner. I am required to several classes to achieve this goal, one of them being Introduction to Psychology. While taking this course I learned an abundance of different concept and information that I will not only using in my future as a nurse practitioner, but also in my everyday life leading up to that goal. The few concepts that stuck with me the most are the memory stages, the three “C’s” of abnormal behavior, and managing the body during stress. The concept of the memory stage starts with sensory input which then goes to sensory memory. If the input is unattended information it disappears, but if you pay attention to it the information then travels to the short-term memory. Three different things can happen in short-term memory stage if information present is left unrehearsed, it is lost, but you can lengthen the time information is spent in short-term memory by maintenance rehearsal. The third possible part is encoding which moves the information from short-term memory to long-term memory where some information can be lost over time. Retrieval allows information to be brought back to short-term memory so you can think about it. I will use the knowledge of this concept a lot in my future as I will need to remember a vast amount of information in a short amount of time and …show more content…

Content is described as being the “what”, is the behavior unpredictable. Context is the “when” and “where” is the behavior occurring. Consequences are explained as being the “how much” distress is this behavior causing this person or others. The three “C’s” must all be present when diagnosing a mental disorder. I find this to be more helpful for my future because as I go into the nursing field I will need to distinguish between these concepts in order to treat certain patients

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