
Benchmark Assignment : Gospel Essentials Essay

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Benchmark Assignment: Gospel Essentials
Let’s talk about the world about 2,000 years ago. It was a world where the mass of people were illiterate, taxes were extremely high, and the leaders would cheat and kill to feed their ever growing need for power. We all can relate to having a good storyteller in our lives, most were read to at night by their parents or are parents themselves that read to their children. What is the purpose of storytelling? It’s simple, comfort. A good story can ease your psychological unrest as well as offer a moral purpose. Sometimes you can even relate a story to your own life and offer an explanation to something you may be experiencing. This is exactly what the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were. They told their stories of Jesus to offer comfort to their people in a time when people could not pick up a story and read it themselves. It is part of human nature to have the desire for a good story. This paper will describe several events that were written by great storytellers in the bible.
“In the God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1) God existed before all of His creation, therefore He is the sovereign creator. He created all to be good in His perfect wisdom. Though God is invisible, He has several distinct characteristics; compassionate, faithful, infinite, just, wise and all-powerful.
“He did this so that all the peoples of earth might know that the hand of the Lord is powerful and so that you might always fear

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