
Biomedical Engineering Research Paper

Decent Essays

Engineers are highly trained and qualified. All engineers have to earn a masters in engineering but some have to become educated in other fields of work. The amount of education you need for an engineering job determines how much you get paid. Engineering have an influence in the design and creation of almost everything.
In order to become a petroleum engineer you need to have a bachelor's degree and education in either math or science education. You have to learn how to design and develop methods for extracting oil and gas from deposits below Earth's surface. Petroleum engineering is very difficult to learn But it is a good field to work in. You have to first work in mechanical and chemical engineering before you go to petroleum engineering. This is the highest paying engineer job.
In order to become an …show more content…

You need some education in science and math in high school. A biomedical engineer designs systems and products to replace human body parts, such as artificial organs and other body parts. They also need to know how all the human body parts work in order to make the artificial ones. They need to know how to repair the equipment.
In order to become a mechanical engineer you need to achieve a bachelor in mechanical engineering. You need to be good at math and at science. You also need to have good critical thinking and problem solving. Mechanical engineers design power producing machines. Anything that involves force, energy, or motion.
In order to become a civil engineer you need to achieve a bachelor's degree in civil engineering. You need to study math and science in both high school and college. Civil engineers plan and design the layout of the community. They also improve and protect the environment in which they live. They make things such as road, buildings, airports, tunnels, dams, bridges, and systems for water supply and sewage

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