
Body Ritual Among The Nacirema

Good Essays

1) What are the main ideas in each of the two essays? (list 3 for each one)
• Horace Miner’s essay, “Body Ritual Among the Nacirema”, focused on rituals among the people of the “Nacirema” tribe (or the American people). The first main idea of the essay is that all people of this group spend most of their time and earnings on “ritual activity” which targets improving the human body. Leading to the second main idea of the essay which asserts that a fundamental belief among these people is that the human body is “ugly”. The final and overall main idea of the reading is obsession over self-image has caused these people more stress than necessary.
• Lowell and Ellen Holmes’s essay, “The American Culture Configuration”, asserts that one’s culture …show more content…

The text stated from the beginning that the people of a society are the least aware of the culture. Therefore, the intended audience is probably Americans as it aims to inform the people about the culture. I would say the authors successfully did a good job of informing people of American culture. While the ideas presented were familiar, such as religious freedom and the rise of the technical age, it was nice seeing a further analysis of these …show more content…

Miner’s illustration of the American obsession with self-image and the human body is definitely significant. While “The American Culture Configuration” essay gave good examples and descriptions of several views of American culture, Miner seemed to be focused overall on the topic of self-image. Even unknowingly, most people do take extra time to make themselves presentable due to the fear of being judged. Though I would have liked to probably see more depth on why these people think the human body is “ugly”. Also, maybe include a discussion on what these people consider to be attractive or perfect. Therefore, in decorating the House of Culture I would focus on the cellar and room 1 (objects and people). Specifically, how are our beliefs and values influenced by those we idolize (our celebrities/heroes).
4) Did treating the Nacirema ("American" spelled backwards) as an exotic, foreign group lead you to view the practices described in the essay differently than if the authors had made clear they were writing about 20th century

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