
Brian And Alex's Influence On College Campuses

Decent Essays

College campuses today are recognized as places with high crime rates, with crimes ranging from sexual assault to theft to cheating. While many students may say they feel safe on campus, some report that there is still a sense of fear; some even say they don’t trust their fellow students when it comes to their belongings. It is true that most perpetrators are fellow students, and they are only successful because they know the routines of their fellow colleagues and know the best periods to attack. In the following scenario, Brian and Alex are college sophomores who have been roommates for a year. Brian’s course schedule for that semester forces him to be on campus from eight thirty in the morning until almost five o’clock in the evening on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Alex has a lighter schedule and he only has to go to campus from noon to three thirty every day, so he is home while Brian goes to his classes. These students are living away from their parents, so they do not have any capable guardians with them as a positive influence. …show more content…

Because the roommates have never had any conflicts, Alex thinks he could get away with stealing some of those items without being accused of theft. One Friday afternoon at the end of the semester while Brian is still in class, Alex is packing up his things while he is moving out of the apartment. After using a credit card to slide open Brian’s bedroom door, he unplugs the TV and gaming console and takes them down to his car. He then returns for the headphones that Brian left on his bed and finds a stash of over five hundred dollars in cash in Brian’s sock drawer. Alex drives his car back home to Jacksonville for the rest of the summer with some new possessions, never planning on returning to the apartment since he has finally moved

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