
Brown Girl Dreaming By Catherine Woodson Quotes

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The book Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson is about Jackie and how her childhood during the time of slavery and racism, leads her to be able to become a writer. The book shows how someone’s identity isn’t just based on how you’re born. Identity is how you react to things that are happening on the outside and also things that are happening on the inside. Because of where Jacqueline was living, her family, and the time period she was living in she was able to be inspired and become a writer. Because of where Jacqueline Woodson grew up in, she was able to be inspired and to become a writer. For example, (10) “The Woodsons are one… on a hill.” This quote shows that they were some of the only black people in their town, however, …show more content…

She remembers that all her parents would do is fight. Her mom always wanted to go back to the South to be closer to her family, but her dad wanted to stay in Ohio because he hated the South. Dad hated the South because of all the racism going on down there. When her parents finally split Jacqueline ended up not having a father figure in her life because she moved with her mom back down to the South. (40-41) “When my parents fight for the final time… leaving Sunday supper.” This quote shows fat when the parents split and mom left with the kids, it didn't seem like a big deal to Jacqueline because at the time she was only one and to her it just seemed like they were leaving “Sunday supper”. She was able to become inspired because this brought her closer to her grandfather as he was now her father figure. Jacqueline's mom was a big part as to why she was able to become a writer. Her mom initially didn't believe that Jackie could become a writer. (229) “When I tell my family… It’s a good hobby… maybe you should be a teacher…” This quote shows how Mom initially didn't believe Jackie could be a writer. Mom just thought that Jackie liked to write for fun. Mom suggested Jackie do some life for a career. That pushed Jackie harder and made her want to prove her wrong. When Jackie's Mom saw she was serious, she supported her as long as she wasn't writing things about their family. When Jackie had the support of her mom, …show more content…

Jacqueline Woodson was exposed to racism as a kid and was a victim of bullying because of it. Most of her bullying was at school because she was one of the only black kids there. (196) “Kids are mean, Dell says. Just turn away. Pretend we know better than that.” This quote is showing that the Woodson kids are being bullied but they have to handle it maturely. Dell is telling Jackie to ignore the haters and to keep being herself. Because Jacqueline was exposed to racism so much as a kid, she had known how to deal with it as she got older. She also started understanding what racism was about and began protesting. Many of her poems inspiration come from being the recipient of racism and her point of view on it. Another piece to racism is that even after racism had “ended” in South Carolina, mom always made the kids sit in the back of the bus and follow all of the rules of racism/segregation. (30-31) “On the bus, my mother moved with us to the back… Sit up straight, my mother says… Step off the curb of white person comes towards you... “ This quote is showing that even though racism/ segregation is considered “illegal” in South Carolina blacks are still treated the same way they always were and are still required to follow the same rules. The kids were always required to be on their best behavior, to never look a white person directly in the eye,

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