
Building an Ethical Organization

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Building An Ethical Organization
Part 2
Michael Cottone
Tara Horn

As the newest business owner in my town I feel that it is my duty to write a mission statement and a value statement for our organization as well as an explanation of each and how they tie together. The basis of the organization is to provide strength and support to our local community. We want to be there for the families in the hardest trials of their lives. We want to give them hope for tomorrow. By eagerly accepting this challenge, we need to create a strong code of ethics, define the role of leadership, and create a …show more content…

Whereas cost can be an issue for people now days, I do not wish it to be a problem when putting that loved one to rest. My mission statement would be to provide exceptional funeral or cremation service with a smile and a hug if necessary. Our mission here is to see you through your difficult time without breaking your bank. I want to see to the needs of not only your bank but your heart as well. Our mission statement supports the ethical system by offering a loving service to the community at a very affordable price. We are not trying to take advantage of someone who is hurting instead giving them an opportunity to grieve without the fear of not being able to afford a decent funeral for their loved one. Surprises often happen when death is involved, and it is our duty to step up and give a hand to those in need. Our message sends a very clear statement about the community. It is telling them that we are there to help not hinder or take from their pockets or the mouths of their children. We are a locally owned, family run, funeral home where concern lies in minimizing your funeral cost and not maximizing our bottom line. We strive to help our families through the difficult loss of a loved one without causing financial hardship. Our Mission is to be a blessing to you at the most emotional,stressful time of your life and to provide the choices to you and let you make the decisions as to how those choices

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