
Business Research Ethics Essay

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Business Research Ethics

The goal of corporations when incorporating a logo is to be memorable to the consumer and investor. Companies like Nike, Harley-Davidson, and Apple have an instant appeal to the public with their corporate symbolism. The emblem for Chevron with the blue and red “v- shaped” stripes in a militaristic badge pattern is recognized worldwide as one of the most famous of the six “supermajor” oil companies. These six, powerful corporations are sometimes referred to as “big oil” in the New York Stock Exchange and are known for their influence in the political arena. Chevron’s roots trace back to Northern California in 1879 and the company endured several name changes because of successful mergers, including Pacific …show more content…

The Chevron Company and its representative along with their corporate lawyers have also been accused of human rights abuse. These charges came about by the horrific shooting of two activists who were part of a Nigerian protestors campaigning against the company. According to several protestors at the scene the Nigerian Army who had been transported by Chevron representatives used deadly force to stop the protesters from their right to show their environmental concerns. It seems that the unethical behaviors by the company has had no effect on the organization as it continues to intimidate layers for the prosecution as well as not admitting blame for any of its actions. As for the effect on the environment, it will be determined with time, some scientists believe the lasting effect in the area is significant as they report it as the worst oil-related contamination in the world. The more than 18 billion gallons of toxic waste was dumped in Amazon waterways by the oil giant that resulted in the disseminated of some indigenous groups living in the area. Chevron is portraying itself to the world as the victim in this judicial arena as it has filed charges against the Ecuadorian protestors and bringing a tactical lawsuit against their lawyers and advisors to further delay the outcome. The social impact as a result of this unethical behavior of the

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