
CSR Is The Company Social Responsibility

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CSR is the Company Social Responsibility. It can be defined as the responsibility of the company towards the community and the environment in which it operates. It is way through which the social, economic and environmental imperatives balance of the company can be achieved and at the same time the expectations of the stakeholders can be met.

CSR involves the volunteering and philanthropic activities such as monetary donations, charity events, relief work etc. of the corporations in the areas of the education, housing, health, arts, social welfare and the environment.

The main objective of the CSR is to maximize the company’s impact on the stakeholders and the society. Companies can express their CSR through many ways such as:

• by reducing their …show more content…

The change in people can be in the form of the change in attitude, behavior and the expectations; the change in structure can be in the form of change in the coordination, authority and the centralization; and the change in the technology can be in the form of the change in processes, methods and the equipments.

In each and every organization there are some internal and external forces which make the change management inevitable: External forces of a change are marketplace, labor markets, technology, economic changes and laws and regulations; and the internal forces of a change are workplace, employee attitude, corporate strategies and technology and equipments. The people involved in the change management are the mangers, staff specialists and the external consultants.

The process the change management involves three steps: Unfreeze the present level of behavior, movement of present to new and then the refreezing

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