
Career And College Research Paper

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Career and College Research Paper
“Chemical Engineering is not an easy major (at all), but if you can make it through to graduation day, you 'll be in demand” (“Chemical Engineering”). A chemical engineer converts substances at tremendous sizes to form new substances or energy for the overall advancement of human life ("What Is Chemical Engineering?"). I have chosen chemical engineering as my future career because the way things are made has always intrigued me. I yearn to comprehend the finite structure of the products we use in our day to day lives. Of course, knowing the career I would like to study is not enough. I must understand what type of schooling and skills will be required, the income and future of this career, along with the experience and attitude I will need to succeed in this field. Chemical engineers work in a variety of places. This job is mostly done in an office, however as a chemical engineer you might also be spending your time in refineries, industrial plants, or laboratories. Chemical engineering is a full time job and requires at least 40 hours of work per week (“Summary”). Most of these jobs are located in urban areas, but there are also rural opportunities. One of the highlights of chemical engineering is that it is not an industry confined to the United States. There are worldwide employment opportunities and positions in this field of study (“17-2041 Chemical Engineers”).
Working as a chemical engineer specializing in research and development

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