
Career Research Paper

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Career Autobiography At age five I didn’t really have any job or wasn’t force to do anything around the house, but I do remember that I always wanted to help and wanted to be in everything. I also remember that when my sisters were lazy they would bribe me for a dollar to take them water, give them a massage, or even pick up after them. Then, at around six or seven my sisters and brother started bribing me with two dollars because I did not want a dollar anymore. After I got a bit older my sisters would start sending me to go buy them junk or nail things, at the ninety-nine cent store at the end of my block in that time. My brother would pay me to pick up his room because he was going to have friends over. In that time two dollars was a lot …show more content…

I think since I would always talk to my teachers in grade school they would give me advise and I want to help kids educationally wise but also help guide them in life. Being a teacher will allow me to be social with kids but with adults too. A teacher has control of their classroom and does not have to depend on anyone else to teach and since I like to have control of things and do not have to really rely on someone takes that some stress of me. Mainly I would like to be a teacher because some of the teachers I had in the past help me get on the right path and really helped me and guided me to do better and I would like to do that for other …show more content…

This workshop helped me take steps that helped me figure out what I liked or what were my interest. This workshop took me through some personality assessments, like the Holland assessment. Then gave me online resources to look for more information about different majors. These resources came along with filling out assessment to figure out my work values, personality, and skills. Depending on the results I got their were majors that fit my result, then I had the homework to keep on doing research on the careers that interest me. This workshop basically taught me most of what I had already learned in the class. It did help because it have me more websites to go to so that I can do some

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