
Case Study Of B2B And Customer Experience

Decent Essays

B2B and Customer Experience Ever found yourself returning to same restaurant again and again just because you found the staff warm and attentive or buying from the same store just because you felt that the employees were very attentive towards your needs and treated you in a special manner. Well, that is customer experience for you. Customer experience is increasingly becoming a differentiating factor for B2C companies. But is this the case for B2B companies? Let us have a look at the state of customer experience in B2B companies. A recent research by Accenture reveals that only 23% of B2B companies receive strong returns on their investments in improving customer experience. At the other end of spectrum are those 20% which receive low or …show more content…

First, they should refrain from replicating the successful practices from B2C companies as it is. The reason behind this is that B2B customer experience is different from that of B2C. These 5 reasons explain why B2B customer experience differs significantly from B2C customer experience:  The issues in the B2B are more complex than those in B2C companies which lead to different types of support requirement. Therefore, there are significantly lower First Contact Resolution (FCR) in B2B companies as compared to B2C companies.  B2B companies spend significantly higher time with their clients than a B2C company which engages differently with its clients and spends much less time. This allows B2B companies to engage and interact at a much deeper level with its client. Thus a B2B executive is expected to know its client – its needs, business, goals, history etc.  B2B relationship is more about the relationship than the individual interactions. While this allows for some loose handling in one or two interactions if the relationship is solid, it is also the reason for complacency to seep in.  There are higher amount of revenues from a single client as compared to a B2C company. This means that the expectations are also much

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