
Aliar Partners Case Summary

Decent Essays

Ariad Partners – How Confident are You in Your B2B Sales Process?

The clever number-crunchers at Compile estimate that there are 5.72 million B2B businesses in America, indicating that, depending on the particulars of the market you are interacting in, a highly competitive environment. And a outstanding sales process that is based on evidence could be your strength as you collide with your direct competitors.
Did you know that 13% of the sales staff generate 87% of the revenue at a typical firm?

This is a statistic that makes our hearts sing, because with a solid B2B sales process, it is likely that you can increase the percentage of sales staff that excel, and hence reap greater profits. B2B firms that have a sales process that meets the …show more content…

Focus on standardizing lead response time

Do you know long, on average, its takes your sales team to respond to an acquired lead? If they are like most sales teams working in the realm of B2B business, it takes them longer than an hour: Only 37% of companies respond to leads within an hour.
If you do not know how long your sales team takes to respond to a lead, you should find out: If a sales representative follows up on a lead within an hour, they are 7 times more likely to have a meaningful conversation with a person who makes decisions.
You should know, and all of your sales representatives should know, that 35-50% of sales go to the first B2B firm that contact a vendor.
2. Wildly successful B2B firms nurture their leads

Nurture. It is an important concept in the B2B realm, to nurture leads, but what does it really …show more content…

A playbook is just a plan, but it is a comprehensive, easy-to-understand plan that lays out your sales process. To learn about what Forbes magazine has to say about the importance of the playbook in the B2B sector, read this factual article.
4. Embrace social media platforms

Social media platforms were initially thought best left to B2C organizations, but this way of thinking has evolved, with mammoth B2B companies like GE successfully using social media platforms as part of their sales processes – and Maersk Line, a shipping container company who won an award for their efforts in using social media to attract customers.

B2B companies who incorporate social media into their lead generation efforts are more likely to thrive in our technological age. Remember, B2B companies who operate closely aligned marketing and sales strategies are likely to experience a bump of up to 15% in revenues.
5. Are your cold calls being warmly

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