
Catcher In The Rye Study Questions And Answers

Decent Essays

1. At the lavender room, Marty, Laverne, and Bernice ostracize Holden when he speaks to them; they ignore him as he attempts to converse with them. 2. Bernice, Laverne, and Marty form a group of women who are at the Lavender Room to scout celebrities; they form a clique. 3. Holden Caulfield travels incognito when he visits his parents; he does not want to be identified by people that could possibly know him. 4. Holden describes his ten-year- old sister as innovative and advanced in everything she does; he implies that she is an avant-garde. 5. Holden is blasé about seeing the movie 39 Steps with Phoebe; he is unconcerned about the movie because he has watched it previously. 6. As D.B. receives a leave of absence after the war, he goes home on furlough. 7. …show more content…

Although Holden has qualms about Jane being with Stradlater, he lets go of his worries because he knows that Jane is not the type of girl to have “the time” with Stradlater. 8. When Holden lodges at the inexpensive and unstylish hotel in New York, he immediately describes the hotel as a place that is not

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