
Causes And Effects Of Social Media's Effects On Society

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Social Media Effects on the Society
Social media is having a strong impact in our community, culture, and business. During the last several years technology has improved, making users of all ages affected by this universal source. The history of social media started in 1997 when the first social media site was launched allowing users to get in touch with friends. In 1999, was when social media became popular and started to develop its purpose. After a while, social media started to reflect negative changes on their user's life. As a result, addiction starts creating a loyalty bond toward this popular world escape. For example, 94% of teens go online daily this demonstrates how this innovation is controlling people’s life behind a screen. Some people have the ability to control their emotions and are mentally prepared to face technological innovation, however, a huge percentage of the population seem to develop more issues throughout time. Social media destroy interpersonal communication skills, making face-to-face communication harder by creating all t.
Social media has been a topic that parents, teachers, and psychologists had been concerned about. Since is having a huge impact on the current generation. For example, cyberbullying is one of the most popular accusation on the internet since more than half of the adolescents and teens have been victims of this form of teen violence that can harm young people live. Kids had developed a violence in their attitudes, their behavior had totally changed to worse. Violence in the media tends to put children at a risky position. For example, they tend to be less sensitive toward other pain, fear of what is around them can be higher than regular kids, and they become more aggressive and less understandable. Researchers had shown that kids who spend tons of hours on social media tend to be aggressive teenagers in the future. For example, teenagers who frequently use networking tend to develop more narcissistic inclination forgetting others’ people feeling. Violence can change a kid's point of view and have a huge influence on what they might become in the future. The excess of violence on social media throughout time might become joyful to their views. That is some of

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