
Causes And Effects Of Social Media

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Some people may wonder what effect social media has on people worldwide. Many people are using social media daily and because of that, they might not know the effects that can be lurking behind a screen and causing harm to their mental health. Social media has many negative effects on mental health. Some people could think that mental health and social media has no relation, when it does. It is a fast-growing issue with many “cause and effect” reasons behind it. Each cause needs to be recognized along with the effect it has on the people who use social media. When there is such a rise in social media, people are able to say what they want because they feel safer than they would in person, which can lead to a rise in cyber-bullying. …show more content…

It had been said by Reed, Cooper, Nugent, and Russel (2016) that, “Evidence supports that cyberbullying can contribute in the development of adolescent depression” (40). Those who are diagnosed with depression can be given medication to help cope, and although it is good for the pharmacies, it is not good for his or her mental health. With cyberbullying and social media effecting one’s mental health with depression and possible suicide, it is important that people know the correlation of the two.
Social media can also lead to an unrealistic idea of life. Many people like to show off on social media, for example, showing off money or a new expensive car. When it comes to unrealistic ideas of living it could make people feel envious and jealous. Some people can become obsessed with taking selfies or overly “perfect” pictures, whether it be editing out imperfections or spending an hour trying to get the perfect picture. People can get anxiety from the fear of missing out. When people post about going put every weekend or about how perfect” their lives are, it can make people feel depressed. It can also show unrealistic body standards and lead to eating disorders. A website called National Eating Disorders (2016) has said, “Numerous correlational and experimental studies have linked exposure to the thin ideal in mass media to body dissatisfaction, internalization of the thin ideal, and disordered eating among women”. For example, the social media website

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