
Effects Of Social Media On Mental Health

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Social Media and Our Mental Health The popularity of social media giants such as Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are on the rise and so is our nation's overall poor mental health status (The State of Mental Health in America). Studies have shown that there is a direct link between our social media obsession and our poor mental health (Walton). Social media can lead to feelings of comparison, jealousy and even delusional behavior. Another effect that social media has on our mental health is that it often leads to feelings of sadness and loneliness. Lastly, social media addiction is one of the many things that affects our mental health. Studies show that social media is often the cause of poor mental health, it can cause comparison, jealousy, loneliness and lastly addiction. One-way social media can be harmful to our mental health is that it often can lead to comparison and jealousy. An example of jealousy when using social media would be a group of friends who decided to hang out and left one friend out; the group of friends post about how much fun they had and the girl who was left alone ultimately ends up jealous. An example of comparison would be an overweight or an average sized girl scrolling through her Instagram timeline when she sees a picture of a super skinny girl, this could lead to the girl scrolling to compare herself negatively to the skinny girl. Comparison is a normal human response; most people compare themselves to others daily (Tanney). Most

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