
Effects Of Social Media On Social Depression And Anxiety

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Social Media Contibutes to Isolation, Depression, and Anxiety The more we use social media, the less happy we seem to be. Many people would agree that social media leads to isolation, depression, and anxiety. Social Media impacts people in many ways; some are good, but some are very bad. Using social media to communicate is extremely convenient, unfortunately, more people are developing social anxiety because we are learning to comunicate through a screen from a young age. Also, seeing people posting about all the good in their lives can lead you to compare yourself to others. Most importantly, increased exposure of bullying through the internet contributes to high risk of depression. Generally, social media has more bad effects on our mental health than good ones. "The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else's highlight reel."(Alexa) The more you compare yourself to others, the more you will be negatively effected. An experiment conducted by Science Direct measured womens moods after browsing through social media for ten minutes. The scientists found social media use can put women in a more negative mood where they make more appearance comparisons, making them want to change their face, hair and skin. "According Boudreau 2 to the socioculteral models of body image and disorder eating, body dissatisfaction can develop when women repeatedly compare their own appearance to the appearance of

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