
The Effects Of Social Media On Mental And Emotional Health

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Off the Grid Social media seems to be one of the many hot topics of discussion recently, and consequently many people have the false sense of security that they have a profound knowledge on how it affects the health of the teenage population. A sedentary lifestyle, decreased sleep, as well as other physical health conditions seem to come to mind when one links health and social media. However, there is a much bigger problem that can go unnoticed because it can be impossible to see: the impact it has on mental and emotional health. These branches of health are just as important, and even arguably more important than physical health is. Social media can be utilized to connect with distant friends and express oneself; however, teenagers should refrain from the overuse of social media due to its detrimental effects on their mental and emotional health. Before exploring this topic, a few key words must be clearly understood. The definition of emotional health, provided by the Mental Health Foundation, is “A positive sense of wellbeing which enables an individual to be able to function in society and meet the demands of everyday life…” (BelongTo). This has a great deal to do with positivity and a person’s view of the world surrounding them. Without proper emotional health, a person’s world can fall apart, similarly to if one has poor mental health. Mental health is described as “…a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the

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