
Causes And Effects Of Teen Pregnancy

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Stanley 1
Teen Pregnancy Screaming, and crying dirty diapers on the floor from up all night to school in the morning. Is this how they imagined their lives?We’ll be analyzing how teen pregnancy is caused ,and the effects of becoming pregnant as a teen. Lack of education of safe sex, lack of attention or love, sexual coercion, poverty, learning responsibility at a young age, and social abandonment are all causes and effects of teen pregnancy. Lack of education of safe sex causes misinformation about reproduction about how one can get pregnant. It also can lead to STDs such as Chlamydia, HIV, Gonorrhea, AIDS, and more. By lacking this education whether from home, or school many teens go without knowledge of proper safe sex practices. Which in turn some believe the only way to not get pregnant is to practice abstinence only. Also most parents, because of this would like to believe that their child isn't having sexual intercourse until marriage. When in all actuality, “According to a report from the Guttmacher Institute, the average age of first intercourse is around 17 years old, with approximately 70% of teenagers having had sex by age 19." Lack of attention or love can lead to teen pregnancy by these young men and women go looking for love or attention in all the wrong places. By trying to fill this void they may not have gotten from their own family or

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