
The Effects Of Teen Pregnancy On Children

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Data has shown that children who are born to teenagers are instantly placed at a higher risk of physical development, social, and behavioral problems. For instance, one-third of pregnant teens (15-19) receives no prenatal care during the first trimester of pregnancy; this number has increased to 50% for girls under 15.
Most teens are still developing physically, and mentally this also means they’re much more likely to have premature babies or preterm labor. Preterm and/or low birth weight babies often have developmental disabilities or medical conditions that require regular physical therapy. In every 10th American teen girl one will get pregnant at least once before turning 20, that’s nearly 750,000 pregnant teens every year. Teen pregnancy is the leading reason that teen girls quite school, 50 percent of teen mothers never graduate from high school. Schools should also start babysitter clubs so they can take classes to get their GED. On an average about 25 percent of teen mothers have a 2nd child within 24 months of their first child. Less than two percent of teen moms earn a degree of any sort by the age 30. The United States has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the world. Childbearing during teen negatively affects the parents, their child, and society. In the year of 2013 more than 273,105 babies were born to women ages 15-19 years old, this is an all-time low for U.S. teens in this age group.
Between the years of 1991 and 2014, the teen birth rate has gone

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