
Teenage Pregnancy Is A Growing Problem

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Teenage pregnancy is a growing problem today even though statistically over the history it has improved the U.S. still has the highest teen pregnancy rate. These issues have a spiraling effect with the teenage parents or the mother. Financial, academic, and childcare for a teenage parent can be stressful and demanding more so with a teenager. Not only will the child of the teenager be affected but the parent and the community will have adverse effect.

Even though with proper information on sexual education and the risks of teenage pregnancy such as health, financial and mental can help reduce the numbers in the future. Teenage pregnancy can put many burden on the parents and the community (local or federal …show more content…

Peer Pressure:
Social status is a good contributing factor when it comes to school. Most teens want the status of being popular and in some cases, they find that being sexually active give the perception of maturity and being cool. Most teen pregnancies are because of the girls lack of confidence or self-worth, this leads into them feeling ugly and eventually doing sexual favors for the guys to get attention. When these teenagers continue to conduct unprotected sex eventually this can lead to pregnancy. The Kaiser Family Foundation states that more than 29 percent of pregnant teens reported that they felt pressured to have sex, and 33 percent of pregnant teens stated that they felt that they were not ready for a sexual relationship, but proceeded anyway because they feared ridicule or rejection (Langham, 2015).
Lack of Parental guidance: Another reason that the teens get pregnant is that they lack the guidance from their parent especially, when it’s a single parent. Parent are either too busy or their teen feels like they can’t talk about sex and end up with little to no information. Some parents can put a lot of restrictions to their teenager, especially girls to protect them from harm. This can lead to increased frustration, curiosity, or even feeling of not being loved from overprotection. There are more motivators to have sex today than not for early teenagers. In the United State, a child born to a teen are very likely to

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