
Teen Pregnancy Issues And How It Affects Our Teens And Their Children

Decent Essays

An assessment of
Teen Pregnancy Issues
Tasha Arlen
HUMS 390
Tracey Rollins May 1, 2015

Through this paper I will explain teen pregnancy issues and how it affects our teens and their children. I will discuss the physical/ emotional, medical and financial strain placed on teenage parents. Teen pregnancy can affect everyone in different ways. I will also so explain some programs to help with teen pregnancy.

An assessment of
Teen Pregnancy Issues
For many years teen pregnancy has been a national social problem. Views have changed over the years as society has started to adapt to the thought of teen pregnancy. “Growing evidence suggests that pre-existing academic and economic hardships play a role in the continuing struggles of teen mothers. While 85% of young women who delay having their first child until at least twenty or twenty – one obtain a high school diploma or GED, only 63% of mothers who give birth by age seventeen do so” (Crosson- Tower p255)
Teen pregnancy is very risky to the baby. Pregnant teen can struggle with many medical issues during their pregnancy. Premature births are common is young parents. A full term pregnancy is forty weeks, any birth before thirty seven weeks is considered a premature birth. The earlier the child is born the more medical problems the baby can have, such as developmental issues. Along with premature birth usually comes low birth weight. Teen parents can have poor eating habits, they could

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