
Teen Pregnancy In The United States

Decent Essays

Teen Pregnancy in the United States

Imagine coming to school one day and seeing 39 students pregnant. That’s the statistical reality of teen pregnancy as an estimated 34 in every 1000 students becomes pregnant between the age of 14-19, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This statistic does not take into account different educational, social, and racial factors. With widely popular television shows such as, "16 and Pregnant" or "Teen Mom", many teens do not fully comprehend the negatives of engaging in sexual activity, and do not realize the possible outcome. Becoming pregnant as a teen is very detrimental to one's education, in the fact that they may have to leave school, lose friends, and become an outcast …show more content…

That’s 26 babies per 1000 teens including all ethnic backgrounds. Hispanic and Black teen pregnancy rates are the highest with 40 per every 1000, and Asian are the lowest with 8 for every 1000 (CDC). In more recent years teen pregnancy rates have dropped even further, and “although reasons behind the declines are not clear, more teens may delaying or reducing sexual activity, and more of the teens who are sexually active may be using birth control than in previous years (CDC)”. More and more teens are no longer fully realizing the negatives of engaging in sexual activity. On the other hand, a teen that becomes pregnant may become an outcast and lose their friends, Becoming a social outcast can lead to depression and other mental illnesses. Our generation is more exposed to teen pregnancy as there are TV shows and magazines all about teen pregnancy. Becoming pregnant as a teen is no longer as demonizing as it was for the generation before us, and more and more teens are becoming pregnant at a young age. "Family planning is at an all-time low and teens are engaging in casual sexual activity (Bright)". Parents call for more sexual education, and increased options for teens, to stop teen …show more content…

Teens that become pregnant while still going through high school have a significantly higher dropout rate according to Michael Frank, a professor at Stanford University . Not graduating combined with a garnished wage can seriously stall an individual's growth in the world. The family of a teen mother is burdened by the weight of another child and pour their money into child care and other expenses. Having to care for a child, can influence a teens day so that they no longer have time for school or work. Child care in the United States of America can cost upwards of 10,000 dollars a year which is more than many teens make in all of high school (Diobrat 1). Teens rely on loans or their parents to help them pay for a child. Sexual education in schools is very basic and lacks details and specific courses that teach abstinence only are recommended by parents (Diobrat 3). Abstinence is the practice of not engaging in sexual activity and is the only 100% efficient way to prevent teen pregnancy and the spread of STD's. With abstinence only education, teens are not taught about birth control or other forms of contraceptives. Parents argue that if teens are not given the "OK" for sex, by teaching about contraceptives, they will never wonder about sexual activity and not want to engage in casual

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