
Sexual Education From Issues & Controversies: Meta-Analysis

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Sexual educational programs in school cover a verity of information to guide student and gain knowledge about the topic. In the mid-20th century schools through The United States introduce lectures to students form middle school through junior college. The lectures can be focus on comprehensive topics or in specific topics depending on the child’s age. According to the article Sex Education from Issues & Controversies the subjects included “the physical processes of human reproduction; the workings of male and female sex organs; the origin, dissemination, and effects of venereal disease; family roles and structures; and the emotional and psychological causes and consequences of sex, marriage, and parenting”. In addition, to lecturers teachers …show more content…

Several educational programs provide students with information about to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. As the author of The effectiveness of school-based sex education programs in the promotion of abstinent behavior: a meta-analysis added “Even though abstinence is a valued outcome of school-based sex education programs, the effectiveness of such interventions in promoting abstinent behavior is still far from settled”. In addition, as much as school would like to prevent teen pregnancy is up to the younger girls to decide. One of the programs about sex education is teaching students to abstain from having sex. The safest way to avoid any sexual transmitted diseases or unwanted pregnancy is by teaching students to refrain from sexual activities. In most cases parents would want that the sexual education programs offered in school teach students to avoid having sexual relations until older or married. As stated in the article Abstinence-Only Education: Are abstinence-only sex education courses effective? that “by stressing discipline, self-control, and self-respect” the “abstinence-only programs build character in students”. …show more content…

Young girls at that age are considered vulnerable and many seek psychological help to overcome the traumatic event. Children born to teen mothers can develop blindness, deafness, mental, respiratory and cerebral problems. Also the low birth weight puts the child at greater risk of dying as infants. Other social problem that pregnant teenagers face is economy. Most teenage girls struggle to finish school and earn a degree. Pregnant teenage girls live in poverty due to the lack of financial and educational stability. For instance, a study found that “low-income teens received such instruction 44% of the time, compared with 62% of higher-income teens. That disparity is particularly troubling, supporters say, because low-income and black and Hispanic teens are more prone to teen pregnancy than teens in general”. In most cases low income families are always struggling to provide to the family and adding teenage girls just makes the situation even worst. The lack of experience, financial and educational stability can limit the options of the child to succeed in life. The author of Teen Pregnancy: Does learning about birth control in school help prevent teen pregnancy? suggest that “teen pregnancy is often cited as a factor that perpetuates the cycle of poverty, since teen mothers are likely to be poor in the first place, and their children are likely to grow up to be poor. As a

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