
Essay on Comprehensive Sex Education

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Human sexuality can be fascinating, complex, contradictory, and sometimes frustrating. Sexuality is interwoven into every aspect of being human; therefore, having knowledge about sex is as essential as having education about human anatomy. However, it is highly recommended to pay close attention when sex education is delivered to youths. (Donatelle 171)
What and when do American parents want their children to be thought about sex? This is an ongoing question that parents seek to find the best answer, to be able to inform their kids about sexuality in order to build up a strong foundation for sexual health. Sex education, as it is understood today, was unknown until about 200 years ago. Since children were taking part in almost all adult …show more content…

During 1920s, U.S. schools began to incorporate sex education to their courses. A 2002 study conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that “58% of secondary school principals describe their sex education curriculum as comprehensive programs provide factual information about birth control, sexual transmitted disease, and continue the message to children about waiting to have sex.” (Johannah)
According to an article in Los Angeles Times newspaper, Margaux Williams, the Markham Middle School counselor, argued that kids “understand the mechanics, they know how to do sex, but that's about it." (Banks)
"They don't know about sexually contracted diseases, how they can affect you, how they're spread. About the emotional process, the feelings involved, what happens when he doesn't want to be with you anymore," she said. (Banks)
As a result of high percentage of pregnancy and childbirth among teenagers; which often result in unfavorable health, social and economical issues, there are various types of laws regulating sex education in middle schools in different states. According to National Conference of State

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