
Causes Of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

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Imagine living in a hopeless body with a perfectly working brain. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is one of the worst diseases to develop. Seeing your own body slowly die is a painful thing to go through and not being able to do anything about it is even worse. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy or rather known as CTE’s is a disease found in people who are repeatedly hit in the head. Head trauma and concussions are mainly the reason of these diseases and being in sports highers the risk of getting a concussion and head trauma. Rules are important in playing sports so the players won’t get seriously injured. Rules in sports have to be made so that players will not get hit in the head as much to cause a concussion, and rules not only need to …show more content…

Lou Gehrig was not the first person diagnosed with ALS, but he was diagnosed with ALS when the media started to begin and there was television . ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. The disease affects all motor skills and muscle movement in the body which causes the muscles to become malnourished. When diagnosed with ALS, the face, arms, and legs slowly begin to paralyze and lose control of speech. The average time of life after diagnosis is two to five years and the average age to get ALS is fifty-five. However athletes are being diagnosed with ALS at ayounger age. Researchers think it’s probably due to the fact that they get hit in the head more often. ALS is without a doubt the most horrific disease because your brain is perfectly fine and you watch yourself slowly die without being to do anything about …show more content…

Athletes, on average, are getting ALS and CTE’s at a younger age than non athletes. The average age athletes are being diagnosed with these diseases is thirty compared to regular people which is fifty five. There is not an exact explanation on why athletes get these diseases at a younger age, but researchers believe that during sports players get hit on the head during practices or games and lead to concussions. Sometimes athletes don’t rest after getting a concussion and that leads to serious brain damage in the future. Athletes are also not getting the right protection they need in sports to keep them safe. Rules are sometimes not enforced during games and players can seriously get injured.The difference between head trauma and concussions is that head trauma is damage in the brain and a concussion is when the brain touches the skull and causes a shock. A neurological examination can be given to check vision, hearing, balance, coordination, strength, and

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